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Volvo Ocean Race 2014 - 2015
VO65 One Design - worked with B&G and the Volvo Ocean Race to design the complete navigation and instrument system based around the B&G WTP3 processor, B&G 4G Radar and B&G Zeus Touch plotters.
VO65 One Design - worked with B&G and the Volvo Ocean Race to design the complete navigation and instrument system based around the B&G WTP3 processor, B&G 4G Radar and B&G Zeus Touch plotters.

Volvo Ocean Race 2011 - 2012
Groupama (Winner) - worked with Groupama to design an instrument system based around the B&G WTP3 processor, with interfacing from an Octans compass and unique loadcell system
Puma - worked with Puma Ocean Racing to design a WTP3 instrument system and explore the solutions for interfacing a unique 4 axis doppler boat speed sensor
Abu Dhabi - Assisted Diverse Yachts with WTP3 instrument systems design and interface plan for all sensors
Sanya - Assisted Diverse Yachts with refit plans for the existing system onboard
Groupama (Winner) - worked with Groupama to design an instrument system based around the B&G WTP3 processor, with interfacing from an Octans compass and unique loadcell system
Puma - worked with Puma Ocean Racing to design a WTP3 instrument system and explore the solutions for interfacing a unique 4 axis doppler boat speed sensor
Abu Dhabi - Assisted Diverse Yachts with WTP3 instrument systems design and interface plan for all sensors
Sanya - Assisted Diverse Yachts with refit plans for the existing system onboard

IMOCA 60 Fleet
Macif (Vendee Globe Winner) - worked with Pixel Sur Mer in France to develop a dual B&G H3000 pilot and WTP3 instrument system for Vendee Globe winner François Gabart
Banque Populaire - worked with Pixel Sur Mer to develop a dual autopilot, dual WTP3 system for Armel Le Cléac'h
Hugo Boss - worked with Alex Thomson and Rachel Howe of Osprey Technical to develop and tune a dual B&G H3000 pilot and instrument system
Cheminées Poujoulat - worked with Bernard Stamm's team and EPFL to develop a WTP3 instrument system and custom autopilot solution
Macif (Vendee Globe Winner) - worked with Pixel Sur Mer in France to develop a dual B&G H3000 pilot and WTP3 instrument system for Vendee Globe winner François Gabart
Banque Populaire - worked with Pixel Sur Mer to develop a dual autopilot, dual WTP3 system for Armel Le Cléac'h
Hugo Boss - worked with Alex Thomson and Rachel Howe of Osprey Technical to develop and tune a dual B&G H3000 pilot and instrument system
Cheminées Poujoulat - worked with Bernard Stamm's team and EPFL to develop a WTP3 instrument system and custom autopilot solution

Athos - closely involved in the design of the electronics refit from B&G H3000 instruments to a B&G WTP3 instrument system, allowing better integration of all the sensors on the yacht, and mutilple masthead units.
Angels Share - Following a lightening strike we were involved making a full inspection of the damaged electronics, and replacing the entire instrument system
Athos - closely involved in the design of the electronics refit from B&G H3000 instruments to a B&G WTP3 instrument system, allowing better integration of all the sensors on the yacht, and mutilple masthead units.
Angels Share - Following a lightening strike we were involved making a full inspection of the damaged electronics, and replacing the entire instrument system